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Texas Winter Escape

Y’all are gonna love this tour! And while we are talking Texas slang, here are a couple of terms that are common and may help you feel a little bit Texan.

  • Y’all – used for singular or plural to get your attention
    • Don’t get your cows runn’in – just relax
    • Gully Washer – heavy rain
    • Fixin to fetch a cold one – act of grabbing a beer
    • All hat and no cattle – Big talker, pretentious

If you are interested in more terms visit:

Our Texas Escape will be an all ground tour by motor coach creating a very relaxing, worry-free, camaraderie and fun travel experience. We have carefully planned the tour around historic and iconic sites along the route making the journey there and back as exciting as the destination itself!

The Oregon Trail Museum, Salt Lake City, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Carlsbad Caverns are a few of the stops as we journey south to the “Lone Star State”. Why the nick name “Lone Star State” you may ask, when Texas was the 28th state to join the United States? Prior to joining the US in 1845, Texas flew a flag with a single golden star on a blue background to represent the republic of Texas. The flag signified Texas as an independent republic and was a reminder of the state’s struggle for independence from Mexico.

It is no secret that Texas is big and offers a diverse landscape with deserts, pine forests, beaches, and large grasslands. Tourists come from around the world to see the legendary landmarks we have included like the Alamo, King Ranch, the Lyndon B Johnson Ranch and Big Ben National Park to name just a few. We have planned this tour with many multi night stays including 4 nights on South Padre Island at The Pearl Resort on the Gulf of Mexico.

Wells Gray Tours offered a similar tour to Texas in 2012 and I recently meet with 5 of those passengers to find out what they loved most about the tour. The consensus of those present said it was the wonderful friendships that were formed. This group of travellers two years after the tour is still getting together twice a year and sharing a meal and conversation about their Texas experience and their next Wells Gray Tour. I would like to thank Judy and Linda Wilks, Jean Mekie and Marion & Roy Trotter for sharing their Texas experience with me and providing the photos of their post tour gatherings.

Written by: Joan Niemeier

Oregon Trail Museum
Salt Lake City
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Carlsbad Caverns

King Ranch
Big Ben National Park

Itinerary from Interior

 Texas Winter Escape

Itinerary from Victoria

Texas Winter Escape